Since 10/2019 Research Associate, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Hamburg
5/2019 Master of Arts in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Thesis: „Zuhause im Exil – Placemaking in einer tibetischen Gemeinschaft in Delhi“ (Home in exile – Placemaking in a Tibetan community in Delhi)
11/2018–9/2019 Student Assistant in Exhibition Management at Museum am Rothenbaum (MARKK)
1/2018–4/2018 Fieldwork in Delhi (India) as part of the master thesis (funded by Hamburglobal)
4/2017–12/2017 and 9/2014–7/2015 Student Assistant at the Academy of World Religions, University of Hamburg
10/2016–5/2019 MA of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Hamburg University
11/2016 Bachelor of Arts in Social and Cultural Anthropology (major) und Indology (minor), thesis: “‘Tall, handsome and educated’ – Heiratsideale in indischen Heiratsanzeigen“ (‘Tall, handsome and educated’ – marriage ideals in Indian matrimonial advertisements)
7/2015–1/2016 Semester abroad at Miranda House College, Delhi University, New Delhi, India (Coursework in Sociology and Hindi)
10/2013–11/2016 BA Social and Cultural Anthropology and Indology at University of Hamburg
1992 born in Hamburg