Course of Studies
In this respect, the teaching and testing of ethnographic field research methods is a special feature of our institute. This focus on methodological competence applies to both Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Master of Arts (MA) degree programs - about which you can find detailed information in the Methods Center.
Methods courses and related practical exercises and excursions are central components of our program of study. In the MA program, the "Field Research Practicum" is an integral part of the curriculum.
With about 40 major students per year in the Bachelor's program and about 15 in the Master's program, our supervision ratio can be called excellent. This allows students to settle in quickly and establish personal contact with faculty. Students also get to know each other quickly, not least through our very active Student Council (FSR).
Kulturelle Vielfalt verstehen - Überblick über das Studium der Ethnologie
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Julia Pauli und Prof. Dr. Otto Habeck am 30.10.2018 im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe " Was wie wofür studieren?"