Prof. Dr. Patrick Neveling
Photo: Patrick Neveling
Former Visiting Professor
Office hours
Appointments are made by prior arrangement via e-mail.
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
Current Appointment
From 10/2019
Visiting Professor, Institute for Social Anthropology, Univ. of Hamburg
Previous Appointments
Researcher, Historical Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland
Researcher, Department of Social Anthropology, Univ. of Bergen
Senior Teaching Fellow, Development Studies, SOAS, Univ. of London
Researcher, Department of Cultural Anthropology, Utrecht University
Temporary Professor, Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Hamburg
Visiting Fellow (1,0 FTE), Inst. for European Global Studies, Univ. of Basel
Senior Researcher (1.0 FTE), Historical Institute, University of Bern
Researcher (1.0 FTE), Historical Institute, University of Bern
Researcher (0.5 FTE) Historical Institute, University of Bern
Lecturer (0.2 FTE), Inst. for Social Anthropology, University of Bern
Lecturer/Researcher (0.5 FTE) Historical Institute, University of Bern
Fellow, Grad. School Societies and Cultures in Motion, Univ. of Halle
Junior Lecturer (0.5 FTE), Inst. for Social Anthropology, Univ. of Halle
Academic Qualifications/Education
PhD in Social Anthropology, University of Halle, “Summa cum laude” (highest distinction); ‘Manifestations of Globalisation: Capital, State and Labour in Mauritius 1825-2005’ (Translated, Thesis in German Language)
Magister Artium; Social Anthropology, Indonesian Languages, Philosophy, University of Cologne, ‘The Relationship between Indonesia and Australia through Colonial and National Boundary Making’ (Translated, Thesis in German Language)
Abitur (High School Diploma), Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium, Leverkusen, Germany (main subjects: Physics, History, Maths, English)
Fellowship as member International Research Project “Frontlines of Value” (Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Don Kalb), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, Norway
Associate, Max-Planck-Fellow Group “Connectivity in Motion: Port Cities of the Indian Ocean”, Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany
Martin-Luther Medal for PhD Thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Faculty of Philosophy, Social Sciences and Historical Humanities
Visiting Fellow, Inst. for European Global Studies, University of Basel
Honorary Research Fellow, Research Institute for Cosmopolitan Cultures, University of Manchester
Fellow, Grad. School Societies and Cultures in Motion, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
10/2005 -02/2008
Associate Fellow, Graduate School Societies and Cultures in Motion, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Project: A Global History of Export Processing Zones, 1947-2007
Subproject, International Research Project “Frontlines of Value” (Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Don Kalb), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, Norway
Foundational Research Grant, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2010-2013
United Nations Academy, Geneva, 2010
Berne University Research Foundation, 2009
Fieldwork/Archival Research
Since 2017 Intermittent research on international consultants for Special Economic Zones (locations to date: Addis Ababa, London)
11/2017 Ethnographic and Archival Research, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan (short)
12/2015 Ethnographic Research, Tanzania (short term)
05-06/2013 Ethnographic and Archival Research, Hong Kong, PR China (Shenzhen),
10-11/2012 Ethnographic and Archival Research, Mauritius, Madagascar
09/2012 Ethnographic Research, Cyprus (short term)
11/2011 Archival Research, Boston (JFK Library), Cambridge (MIT Archives), Washington (World Bank)
11/2011 Ethnographic and Archival Research, Puerto Rico
08/2011 Ethnographic and Archival Research, Puerto Rico
05/2011 Ethnographic and Archival Research, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), Vienna
11-12/2010 Archival Research, New York (UN-Archives), Washington (Lib. of Congress, US National Archives, World Bank Archives)
07-08/2010 Ethnographic and Archival Research, Dublin and Shannon, Ireland
03-04/2010 Ethnographic and Archival Research, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), Vienna
01-02/2010 Ethnographic and Archival Research, International Labour Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland
11-12/2009 Archival Research, UK (Liverpool, London, Manchester, Oxford; short term)
Project: Manifestations of Globalisation. Capital, State, and Labour in Mauritius, 1825-2005
Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg
Fieldwork/Archival Research:
09/2006 Archival Research, Meade Collection, London School of Economics
04-06/2005 Archival Research, Meade Collection, London School of Economics (short)
02-08/2004 Ethnographic and Archival Research, Mauritius/Reunion
07-09/2003 Ethnographic Research, Mauritius
Membership in International Research Networks
Since 10/2018 Global History of Free Ports Research Network, University of Helsinki
Since 01/2018 Frontlines of Value, Dep. of Social Anthropology, Univ. of Bergen
Since 12/2014 Responsible Global Value Chains Initiative, University of Montpellier
06/2013 – 12/2017 General Labour History of Africa (1900 – 2020), International Labour Organization & International Institute for Social History
09/2008 – 12/2013 Commodities of Empire, British Academy Project, London
04/2005 – 08/2008 Multiple Identities in Action. Mauritius and the Antillean Parallelism, MLU Halle-Wittenberg
- Ethnologie der Weltwirtschaft (ab ca. 1800)
- Weltweite Verbreitung von Sonderwirtschaftszonen seit 1947
- Historische Ethnologie
- Industrielle Arbeit (insb. Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie)
- Produktionswesen
- Ideologiekritik/Erfindung von Traditionen
- Indischer Ozean (insb. Mauritius und Indonesien)
16/08/ with Hadas Weiss (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle),
2018 Panel, ‘Marx@200’ – Historical materialism for today’s world, Bi-annual conference European Association of Social Anthropologists, Stockholm.
30/07/ with Jan Otmar Hesse (University of Bayreuth), Panel, ‘Capitalism’s
2018 Transformation in the 20th Century. The Disintegration and Differentiation of Global Value Chains’, World Economic History Congress, Boston, US.
16/11/ with Dennis Arnold (University of Amsterdam), International Workshop,
2016 ‘Mutants of Development? Special Economic Zones, Economic Corridors and the Changing Geographies of Capitalism’, Amsterdam Institute for Social Sciences Research/Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
28-30/06/ with Robert Heinze (Bern University), International Conference, ‘Ruptures,
2016 Consolidations, Continuities. Reconsidering Global Economic Processes After 1945’, Historical Institute/Centre for Global Studies, Univ. of Bern, CH.
06/12/ with Winnie Lem (Trent University, Canada), Ann. Meeting American
2014 Anthropological Association, Roundtable ‘What is (to be) done? Towards an Anthropological Analysis of the Vicissitudes in Global Capitalism and What They May Lead to’, Washington DC.
04/12/ with Joe Trapido (SOAS, London), Ann. Meeting American Anthropological
2014 Assoc., Session ‘Modes of Production –Try Again, Fail Better?’, Washington DC.
15/05/ with George Baca (Dong-A University, Busan/South Korea), Annual
2014 Conference International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, ‘Reconsidering Anthropologies of Neoliberalism and Globalisation’, Chiba City, Tokyo/Japan.
22/11/ with Don Kalb (CEU Budapest), Ann. Meeting American Anthropological
2013 Association, Section Invited Session (Society for Urban, National, and Transnational Anthropology), ‘Anthropology‘s Public Engagement with Capitalism: Beyond Gifts versus Markets’, Chicago/US.
07-08 with Luisa Steur (SOAS/London, CEU/Budapest), Int. Union of
08/2013 Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Panel ‘Capitalism and Global Anthropology: Marxism Resurgent’, Manchester/UK.
16/11/ with Luisa Steur (SOAS/London, CEU/Budapest), Ann. Meeting American
2011 Anthropological Association, Panel ‘Capitalism and Global Anthropology: Marxism Resurgent’, Montreal/ Canada.
26/08/ with Valerio Simoni (CRIA-IUL/Lisbon), Bi-annual Meeting Europ. Ass. of
2010 Social Anthropologists, Panel: ‘Joining Phenomenologies and Political Economies of the Global’, Maynooth/Ireland.
02/10/ with Christian Strümpell (SAI Heidelberg) and Daniel Münster (Halle), Panel
2009 ‘Dispossession, Accumulation, Social Distress: Globalisation and Economic Anthropology’, Biannual Conference German Association of Social Anthropologists, Frankfurt a.M./Germany.
24-25/ with Christian Strümpell (SAI Heidelberg/Germany) and Daniel Münster
09/2009 (Halle/Germany), International Conference ‘Neoliberal Crisis in Post-Reform India: Ethnographic Perspectives on Agrarian and Industrial Distress’, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany.
18-19/ International Workshop ‘Re-Appropriating World Market Production:
06/2009 Commodity Chains in the Project of Postcolonial Development’, University of Bern.
10/02/ with Erdmute Alber (Bayreuth/Germany) and Julia Eckert (MPI Halle),
2007 International Conference ‘Wissen um Veränderung: Entwicklung, Geschichte, sozialer Wandel’, Sektion Entwicklungssoziologie und Sozialanthropologie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie.
11/04/ with Carsten Wergin (Bremen/Germany), ASA Annual Conference 2007,
2007 London Metropolitan University. Panel ‘Large Scale Tourism in Small Scale Societies’.
26/01/ with Susanne Klien (Halle/Germany), Graduate School Asia and Africa in
2007 World Reference System (GSAA), MLU Halle-Wittenberg International Workshop ‘Tradition within and beyond the Framework of Invention’.
20/10/ with Claudia Liebelt (Halle/Germany), 29th German Congress of Oriental
2004 Studies, Halle Panel ‘Grenzen, Staaten und Globalisierung’, MLU Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.
Keynotes/Plenaries/Discussant Comments
Plenary roundtable speaker ‘#Howtalk’, Bi-annual conference European
Association of Social Anthropologists, Stockholm, Sweden.
Keynote for Third Workshop on ‘The Geopolitical Economy of East Asian
Developmentalism’, East Asian Regional Conference on Alternative Geography, National University of Taiwan, Taipei.
Discussant for Panel on ‘Africa and Alternative Globalisations’, International
Conference ‘The Other Globaliser. How the Socialist and the Non-Aligned World Shaped the Rise of Post-War Economic Globalisation’, University of Exeter, UK.
Discussant for International Conference ‘The First Capitalism, Marketing and
Critique Conference’, SOAS, Univ. of London, UK.
Discussant for Session on ‘“Nowhere”. Labour and Residence in the Placeless
Spaces of Modernity’, Conveners: Samuel Martinez (Univ. of Connecticut) & Ismael Garcia-Colon (Graduate Centre, CUNY), Annual Conference, American Anthropological Association, Denver, US.
Invited Talks
‘The Birth of the Otherwise Neoliberal. Expanding Sidney Mintz’ Global
Historical Anthropology towards an Analytical Model of World-Historical Change’, Centre Norbert Elias/Ecole des Hautes Études Sciences Sociales, Univ. of Marseille, France.
‘Special Economic Zones as Industrial Hubs. Towards a Global History’,
Authors Workshop Oxford University Press Handbook on Industrial Hubs, International Finance Corporation/The World Bank/Oxford University Press, Sheraton Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
‘Special Economic Zones, Economic Development and Industrial Hubs’,
Authors Workshop Oxford University Press Handbook on Industrial Hubs, International Finance Corporation/The World Bank/Oxford University Press, Sheraton Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
‘Fabricated Miracles. 40 Years of Special Economic Zones in the People’s
Republic as Ordinary Neoliberalism with Chinese Characteristics’, Int. Conference, Bundesstiftung Aufarbeitung/Univ. of Cologne, Berlin.
‘The Otherwise Neoliberal. Special Economic Zones and the Birth of
Neoliberal Practices, 1948-2008’, Int. Conference, Dep. of Social Anthropology, Univ. of Bergen.
‘Rotten at the Root. Special Economic Zones and the Making of Chinese
Globalisation’, Int. Conference, Transnational Law Institute & Lau China Institute, King’s College, London.
‘The Otherwise Neoliberal. Special Economic Zones and the Birth of Global
Neoliberal Practices, 1948-2008’, Int. Conference ‘Global Neoliberalisms. Lost and Found in Translation’, British Academy, London.
‘The Resistible Rise of the Otherwise Neoliberal. On Special Economic Zones and the (Caribbean) Making of World History’, Imperial and World History Seminar, Institute for Historical Research, Senate House, University of London.
‘The Resistible Rise of the Otherwise Neoliberal. On Special Economic Zones and the Making of World History’, Research Colloquium, Dep. Of History, Hong Kong University.
‘From the Politics of Distribution to Super-Exploitation. Neoliberal Moralities,
Anti-Social Cosmologies and Capitalist Nation-States in the Making of Asia’s Special Economic Zones since 1965’, International Conference ‘The Politics of Distribution. Migrant Labour, Development and Religious Aid in Asia’, Asia Research Institute, Singapore.
‘The New International Division of Labour before the New International
Economic Order. Special Economic Zones and Neoliberal Globalisation since 1947’, International Conference ‘The Other Globaliser. How the Socialist and the Non-Aligned World Shaped the Rise of Post-War Economic Globlisation.’, University of Exeter, UK.
‘The Otherwise Neoliberal. Expanding Sidney Mintz World-Historical
Anthropology towards an Analytical Model of World-Historical Change’, International Conference ‘Frontlines of Capitalism’, University of Bergen, Norway.
‘Marketing the Colony, Branding the Nation – The Quest for Maintaining Mauritian Export-Oriented Exploitation since 1814’, International Conference ‘The First Capitalism, Marketing and Critique Conference’, SOAS, Univ. of London, UK.
‘Corporate Interregna. Kinship Politics, Joint Ventures, and Embedded Exploitation in the Making of a Mauritian Multinational Enterprise since 1760, International Conference ‘Navigating the Boundaries of Kinship’, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld, Germany.
‘Zum Dilemma permanenter globaler Vernetzung. Entwicklungsstrategien für den Flughafen und die Sonderwirtschaftszone Shannon, 1945 – 2015’, International Conference ‘GlobalUnterwegs’, ETH Zurich, Department of Engineering/ Department of History of Technology, Switzerland.
‘What Holds the Centre? Panama, Shannon, and the Specter of Normal Capitalism in Not-So-Special Economic Zones’, International Conference ‘The Centre Cannot Hold?’, University College London/FRINGE Centre, Calvert Gallery London, UK.
‘Anthropologies of the Obvious: Im/possibilities and the Necrophagic/Koprophagic Structuration at the Centre of the World’, International Conference ‘Ethics, Politics, Ontologies’, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research/Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
‘African Industry and Manufacturing, 1900 – 2020’, Second Authors’ Meeting, International Labour Organization/International Institute for Social History Project ‘General Labour History of Africa, 1900 - 2020’, Kunduchi Beach Hotel, Tanzania.
‘Relocating Capitalism: Export Processing Zones and Special Economic Zones since 1947’, Research Colloquium, Section for Social and Economic History, Historical Institute, University of Bayreuth, Germany.
‘Penthouse or Pavement? – Post-Heroic Neoliberalism and the Asynchronous Development of Export Processing Zones and Special Economic Zones since 1947’. International Conference ‘The Good Years! – Historical Trajectories, 1980 – 2010’, ETH Zurich, Monte Verità, Switzerland.
‘Relocating Capitalism: Export Processing Zones and Special Economic Zones since 1947’, Research Colloquium, Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Vienna, Austria.
‘Turning Modes of Production Right-Side Out. Capitalism as a Many-Headed Hydra/Cornerstones for a Postfictional Historical Anthropology’, Research Colloquium, Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Hamburg.
‘Export Processing Zones and the Global Decline of Corporate Taxation’, International Conference ‘Taxation for and against Redistribution since 1945’, German Historical Institute, Washington DC.
‘Relocating Capitalism: Export Processing Zones and Special Economic Zones since 1947’, Centre for Place, Culture and Politics, Graduate Centre, City University of New York.
‘Port-Hinterland Connectivities and the Motions of Global Trade: Rooting Contemporary Export Processing Zones and Special Economic Zones in the Indian Ocean’, Internat. Conference ’Connectivity in Motion: New Studies on the World of the Indian Ocean’, Max Planck Inst. for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany.
‘On the globalisation of the textile and garment sector and on the non-globalisation of health and safety standards: A historical anthropology neoliberal labour since 1947’, International Conference, ‘Accounting for "Health" and "Safety" in the Global Garment Industry’, June 26-27th, 2014, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
‘Onomatopoetic or structured comparison: How (not) to write the global history of export processing zones and special economic zones’, Research Colloquium, Centre for Area Studies, Leipzig/Germany.
‘Manufacturing/Industry in Africa, 1900-2020’, International Authors Workshop ‘New Global Labour History of Africa’, International Labour Organisation/ International Institute for Social History, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
‘Development Policies and the Making of the Historical Geography of Capitalism before and after 1947’, Public Lecture Series, Centre for Development Research, Univ. of Bonn, Germany.
‘Export Processing Zones and the Making of the Cold War Historical Geography of Capitalism’, International Conference ‘Negotiating Independence: New Directions in the Histories of Decolonisation and the Cold War’, LSE IDEAS/Centre of South Asian Studies/Univ. of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
‘Global vernetzte Akkumulation und Industrieproduktion in Sonderwirtschaftszonen seit 1947’, Panel: ‘Grenzen der Globalisierung’, 3rd Swiss Congress of Historical Sciences, Fribourg, Switzerland.
‘A Global Right to Cheap Labour? Export Processing Zones/Special Economic Zones and the Historical Geography of Capitalism (1947-2007), International Conference ‘The Right to the City, The Right to the State’, Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Nicosia, Cyprus.
‘(How the Historical Geography of Capitalism is Made) Commodity Chains, Export Processing Zones and the Spatial Reconfiguration of the Capitalist World-System after 1947’, Internat. Workshop ‘Reflexive Area Studies - Space and Area Studies in a Post-Territorial Age’, Centre for Area Studies, University of Leipzig, Germany.
‘Die Dekonstruktion von Traditionen als Macht- und Klassenfrage – Eine Präzisierung des Erfindungsparadigmas’, Ringvorlesung 2012, ‘Traditionalismen’, Vienna, Austria.
‘Alienating and De-alienating Labour in Times of Crisis: Case Studies from the Mauritian Textile and Garment Sector’, Lecture Series ‘Ethnographic Perspectives on Work and Labour’, LSE, London/UK.
‘Die UNIDO im Spannungsfeld von Neuer Wirtschaftsordnung und der ersten Boom Phase der Sonderwirtschaftszonen (1966-1986)’, Research Colloquium, Modern History, Historical Institute, University of Berne, Switzerland.
‘Ralph Lauren’ Mauritian Style: Methodological and Epistemological Challenges in the Study of Competing Notions of Legality, ‘Liberty’ and Dependency within Global Commodity Chains’, Conference: ‘Parallel Commodity Chains: Substitutes and Informal Economy’, International Research Network ‘History of Commodity Chains’, University of Konstanz, Germany.
‘The Flexibility of Accumulation before Flexible Accumulation: Export Processing Zones since 1947’, Special Guest Lecture, Research Institute for Cosmopolitan Cultures, University of Manchester, UK.
‘The Flexibility of Accumulation before Flexible Accumulation: Export Processing Zones since 1947’, Research Colloquium, Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Bern, Switzerland.
‘Export Processing Zones within the Project of Development: A Theoretical and Empirical Re-Evaluation’, International Conference ‘Towards a Global History of Development’, ETH Zürich.
‘A periodisation of globalisation according to the Mauritian integration into the international sugar commodity chain (1825-2005), International Workshop of the Commodities of Empire Project, ‘Commodities in Evolution: historical change in different ages of globalisation, 1800-2000’, Council Room, British Academy, UK.
‘”Moderne” Katastrophen der 60er Jahre in Mauritius: Malthus, Cyclones und Weltmarktanpassung’, Research Colloquium, Institute for Social Anthropologie, Free University of Berlin, Germany.
‘For the sake of prosperity: two Mauritian families between traditionalist, modernist and postmodernist identification’, International Conference ‘Multiple Identities in Action: Mauritius and the Antillean Parallelism’, MLU Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.
‘Manifestationen der Globalisierung: Zur Veränderung von Austausch- und Arbeitsbeziehungen am Beispiel der mauritischen Textilindustrie’, Research Colloquium, Institute for Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne, Germany.