Helpful Literature on Ethnographic Methods
Ethnographic Methods (Link)
(by Hartmut Lang and Michael Schnegg)
Ethnographic Methods publishes a series of methodological material for anthropologists. At the moment it contains two types of publications. The methodological volumes (currently in German only) give detailed introductions to specific methods of data collection and analysis. They are practical guides, and are suited as teaching material. The data collection tools are a growing compilation of ethnographic questionnaires, observation sheets and other material used for data gathering.
Ethnoscripts: Publications on Ethnographic Methods (German)
- Feldforschung in einem türkischen Dorf: 45 Years in a Turkish Village.
- Qualitative Methods Workbook
- Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung: Internet-Zeitschrift, die sich mit qualitativen Forschungsmethoden beschäftigt.
- Beer, Bettina (Ed.) (2003). Methoden und Techniken der Feldforschung. Berlin, Reimer.
- Bernard, H. Russell (1995). Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Walnut Creek, Altamira.
- Davies, Charlotte Aull (1999). Reflexive Ethnography: A guide to Researching Selves and Others. London, Routledge.
- Fetterman, David M. (1989). Ethnography Step by Step. Newbury Park, Sage.
- Maanen, John van (1988). Tales of the Field: On Writing Ethnography.