Study Structure Major in Social and Cultural Anthropology (180LP)
The study program in Hamburg is consecutive, meaning that all courses and modules build upon and complement each other. A module consists of several courses that students must attend. In addition to the BA curriculum area (90LP), there is also the area of General Professional Qualification Competencies (ABK, 27LP) and the free elective area (18LP). Additionally, a minor subject (45LP) must be chosen. Please refer to the respective information page or visit the website for details on the conditions for the minor subject.
Study Progress Overview
BA from 2012/13
The following tabular diagram for B.A. Social and Cultural Anthropology major (from Winter Semester 2012/13) (PDF) provides a visual overview of the study progression since Winter Semester 2012/13.
BA from 2016/17
The following tabular diagram for B.A. Social and Cultural Anthropology major (from Winter Semester 2016/17) (PDF) provides a visual overview of the study progression starting from Winter Semester 2016/17.
BA Curriculum (90LP) in Social and Cultural Anthropology
In this part of the study program, students must acquire 90 credit points (LP). Each course has a different number of credit points that must be earned to successfully complete the program in Hamburg.
The structure of the BA program consists of three phases, each with several modules.
Introductory Phase (E)
At the beginning of the program, there is an introductory phase (E) that should ideally be completed during the 1st to 3rd semesters. In this phase, which is also considered a single module, students are introduced to the study of Social and Cultural Anthropology, learn scientific working techniques, and gain an initial overview of a specific group in a regional and cultural context.
Building Phase (A)
In the second phase, the building phase, which should take place between the 1st and 5th semesters, students learn theoretical foundations of Social and Cultural Anthropology in three different modules with multiple courses, as well as the various core areas of cultural analysis and ethnographic methods.
Advanced Phase (V)
In the final phase, the advanced phase, which can be pursued from the 2nd to 6th semesters, the focus is on two modules that convey regional perspectives and research priorities at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology in Hamburg.
Completion and Examination
The last module, typically in the 6th semester, includes the preparation of a written final thesis of about 30 pages and participation in the final colloquium.
General Professional Qualification Competencies (ABK; 27LP)
In addition to the BA curriculum, students must acquire 27LP in the area of General Professional Qualification Competencies (ABK) during their study period. This includes, for example, self-organized internships (career field exploration), participation in ABK events such as Ethnographic Film or language courses at the University of Hamburg, conducting tutorials, working as student assistants in science and research, and other offerings in this field.
Further information can be found in the "Documents Box" on the right side, as well as from the relevant academic advisor.
Free Elective Area (18LP)
In the free elective area, students can and should pursue their interests during their studies and, if possible, attend university-wide courses designated for the free elective area.
For further information about the BA program in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University, please also visit the homepage of the Department of Cultural Studies.