Univ.-Prof. Dr. Julia Pauli
Office hours
Office hours July to October 2024:
Thursday, 08.08.24 16-18 PM
Thursday, 12.09.24 16-18 PM
Thursday, 26.09.24 16-18 PM
Tuesday, 08.10.24 16-18 PM
As of 15.10.24: every Tuesday, 15-17 PM
Kulturelle Vielfalt verstehen - Ein Podcast zum Studium der Ethnologie in Hamburg
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Julia Pauli and Prof. Dr. Otto Habeck on 30.10.2018
Verwandtsein. Ethnologische Perspektiven auf soziale Nähe und verwandtschaftliche Vielfalt
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Julia Pauli on 19.04.2023
Die Weber: Zwischen Liebe und Pflichtgefühl – Was schulden wir unseren Eltern?
Radio interview with the station radioeins of Radio Berlin-Brandenburg on 17.11.2023
Curriculum Vitae
Since 10/2011 Full Professor (W2) at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Hamburg
2/2011 - 9/2011 Heisenberg Fellow of the DFG (German Research Foundation)
April 2010 Offer for professorship for Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Zurich (rejected)
2/2010 - 9/2011 Private lecturer (germ.: Privatdozentin) at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne
10/2007 - 1/2010 Senior Lecturer (germ.: wissenschaftliche Assistentin) at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne
Summer semester 2007 Visiting Professor at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Hamburg
1/2005 - 3/2007 Senior Lecturer (germ.: wissenschaftliche Assistentin) at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Hamburg
1/2003 - 12/2007 Project leader of C10 research project, SFB 389, University of Cologne
5/2001 - 12/2002 Senior Lecturer (germ.: wissenschaftliche Assistentin) at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne
1/2000 - 4/2001 Research fellow (germ.: wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne
January 2010 Habilitation (Venia Legendi in social and cultural anthropology), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Cologne; Title of the thesis "Celebrating Distinctions. Marriage, Elites and Reproduction in Rural Namibia"
December 1999 Doctorate in social and cultural anthropology at the University of Cologne; Title of the thesis "Das geplante Kind. Demographischer, wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Wandel in einer mexikanischen Gemeinde" (The planned child. Demographic, economic and social change in a Mexican community)
11/1995 - 12/1999 PhD candidate in the DFG (German Research Foundation) funded project "Social Networks and Cognition" headed by Prof. Dr. Thomas Schweizer
July 1995 Magister degree in social and cultural anthropology, German literature and Film sciences at the University of Cologne; Title of the thesis "Kultureller Konsensus in einer multiethnischen Schulklasse? Eine Untersuchung kognitiver Netzwerke" (Cultural consensus in a multiethnic classroom? An investigation of cognitive networks)
1990-1995 Magister studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology, German literature, Film Sciences and Psychology at the University of Cologne
1970 Born in Essen, Germany
Research Interests
- Kinship
- Migration and transnational communities
- Gender
- Culture and demography
- Consumption and class
- Latin America, especially Mexico
- Southern Africa, especially Namibia
Pauli, Julia. 2024. Touched By: Moving Intergenerational Encounters. In “Aging Globally: Challenges and Possibilities of Growing Old in an Unsettling Era”, edited by Magdalena Zegarra Chiappori, American Ethnologist website, 7 August 2024. Link
Pauli, Julia. 2023. Ethnographic Writing. In: Ruth, A., Wutich, A., & Bernard, H.R. (Eds.). The Handbook of Teaching Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods: A Step-by-Step Guide for Instructors. London: Routledge, 102-105. Link
Pauli, Julia. 2023. Migrant Homemaking in Sub-Saharan Africa: From Self-Help Housing to Conspicuous Construction. In Handbook on Home and Migration, edited by Paolo Boccagni. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing: 595-608. Link
Pauli, Julia. 2023. Nicht wie meine Eltern: Gefühle von Zugehörigkeit, Abgrenzung und Entfremdung in der aufstrebenden namibischen Mittelklasse. In Anthropologie der Emotionen. Affektive Dynamiken in Kultur und Gesellschaft, edited by Thomas Stodulka, Anita von Poser, Gabriel Scheidecker und Jonas Bens. Berlin: Reimer: 229-238. Link
Pauli, Julia. 2023. Before it ends. Aging, gender and migration in a Mexican transnational community. In: Aspiring in later life. Movements across Time, Space, and Generations. Megha Amrith, Victoria K. Sakti and Dora Sampaio (eds.). Rutgers University Press. New Brunswick, NJ: 129-144. Link
Pauli, Julia. 2023. Von Traumhaus zur Ruine in einer transnationalen mexikanischen Gemeinde. In: Joachim Otto Habeck/Frank Schmitz (Eds.). Ruinen und vergessene Orte. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag: 175-184. Link
Pauli, Julia. 2023. Almost Married. Two Generations of Single Mothers in Namibia. In: Opting Out. Women Messing with Marriage around the World. Davidson, J. and D. Hannaford (eds.). New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press: 27-41. Link
Pauli, Julia. 2022. Nostalgischer Neuanfang. Mexikanische Migration und Rückkehr. In: Haug, Michaela und Rosalie Stolz (Hrsg.) Ethnographic Encounters. Essays in Honour of Martin Rössler. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Link
Pauli, Julia. 2022. Never Enough. Neoliberalizing Namibian Middle-Class Marriages. Africa Vol. 92 (2): 191-209. Link
Pauli, Julia. 2022. Futuring Together. Inside and Outside of Marriage in Namibia. In: African Futures. C. Greiner, S. Van Wolputte and M. Bollig (eds.). Leiden, Brill: 331-337. Link
Pauli, Julia (ed.). 2021. How to write? Experiences, challenges and possibilities of ethnographic writing. Ethnoscripts. Vol. 23. 1. Link
Pauli, Julia. 2021. Introduction. How to write? Experiences, challenges and possibilities of ethnographic writing. Ethnoscripts. Vol. 23. 1: 5-14. Link
Pauli, Julia. 2021. No Magic! Teaching Ethnographic Writing. Ethnoscripts. Vol. 23. 1: 166-179. Link
Pauli, Julia. 2021. Return Migration. Handbook of Culture and Migration. Jeffrey C. Cohen and Ibrahim Sirkeci (eds.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar: 95-109. Link
Pauli, Julia & Cati Coe (eds.). 2020. Migration and Social Class in Africa. Special Issue Africa Today. Vol. 66. 3-4. Link
Pauli, Julia. 2020. Class Switching: Migrants’ Multiple Class Identities in Rural and Urban Namibia. Africa Today. Vol. 66. 3-4: 115-135. Link
Coe, Cati & Julia Pauli. 2020. Introduction: Migration and Social Class in Africa: Class-Making Projects in Translocal Social Fields. Africa Today. Vol 66. 3-4: 3-19. Link
Pauli, Julia. 2020. Rethinking the Ethnographer. Reflections on Fieldwork With and Without Family in Mexico and Namibia. In: Being a Parent in the Field. Implications and Challenges of Accompanied Fieldwork. Braukmann, F., M. Haug, K. Metzmacher & R. Stolz (eds.). Bielefed: Transcript: 39-60. Link
Pauli, Julia. The Decline of Marriage in Namibia. Kinship and Social Class in a Rural Community. Transcript, 2019. Link
Review: S. Rudwick 2019 Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society. 7 (2). 134-138. Link
Review: L. Kroker 2020 Africa Spectrum 55 (1): 113-115. Link
Review: M. McKittrick June 2020 H-Africa, H-Net Reviews. Link
Review M. C. Stember 2020 Journal of Southern African Studies. 46 (3): 581-582. Link
Review: Melber, Henning 2020 Journal of Namibian Studies 28: 139-141. Link
Review: Spronk, Rachel 2020 African Studies Review 63 (4). Link
Review: Bochow, Astrid 2020 Anthropos 115 (2): 615-616. Link
Book Reviews
Book review of Stephanie Rudwick: 'The Ambiguity of English as a Lingua Franca. Politics of Language and Race in South Africa' Anthropos 117: 577-579. Link
Book review of Andrea Noll: 'Verwandtschaft und Mittelklasse in Ghana. Soziale Differenzierung und familiärer Zusammenhalt' Sociologus 71 (1): 95-97.
Book review of Erdmute Alber: 'Transfers of Belonging: Child Fostering in West Africa in the 20th Century' Leiden: Brill. Paperback. Link
Book review of Rachel Spronk: 'Ambiguous Pleasures: sexuality and middle class self-perceptions in Nairobi.' New York NY and Oxford: Berghahn Books. 2012/2014, xi + 310 pp. Link
Book review of Fumanti, Mattia: 'Namibian Elite Generations': Mattia Fumanti´s ,The Politics of Distinction: African Elites from Colonialism to Liberation in a Namibian Frontier Town' Journal of Southern African Studies 43 (6): 1311-1313.
Book review Haukanes, Haldis and Tatjana Thelen (eds.): Parenting after the Century of Child: Travelling ideals, institutional negotiations and individual responses’. Sociologus 61 (1) 119-121.
Book review Rodríguez, Richard T.: ‚Next of Kin. The Family in Chicano/a Cultural Politics’. American Anthropologist 113 (2): 372-373.
Book review Schmidt, Johannes F. K., Martine Guichard, Peter Schuster und Fritz Trillmich (Hg.): ‚Freundschaft und Verwandtschaft. Zur Unterscheidung und Verflechtung zweier Beziehungssysteme.’ Sociologus 2/2009.
Book review Axinn William G. und Lisa D. Pearce: ‘Mixed Method Data Collection Strategies’. Anthropos 103: 575.
Book review Susan Greenhalgh 'Under the Medical Gaze. Facts and Fictions of Chronic Pain.' Anthropos 98:562.
Book review Linda Green 'Fear as a way of life. Mayan Widows in Rural Guatemala.' Anthropos 95:394-395.
Ongoing research projects
2022 - 2025
Project leader of the DFG (German Research Foundation) funded project: "Return to Mexico: Migration and the pluralization of kinship"
2016 - 2022
Project leader of the DFG (German Research Foundation) funded project: “Fertility Transition in the Sultanate of Oman: Anthropological Approaches to Demographic Dynamics” (together with Laila Prager and research fellow Maren Rössler)
Completed research projects
2015 - 2019
Project leader of the DFG (German Research Foundation) funded project: “Exceptionally normal: Marriage transformations in Namibia” including research in Namibia from 08/2015 until 02/2016.
2011 - 2013
Principle investigator in the city state excellence initiative LiMA (Linguistic Diversity Management in Urban Areas) Research focus: "Aging, Migration and Multilingualism in Hamburg"
02/2011 - 09/2011
Case based comparison of current changes in marriage and kinship in Southern Africa (from Feb. 2011 until Sept. 2011 funded by the German Research Foundation through a Heisenberg Fellowship)
2010 - 2014
Project leader of the DFG (German Research Foundation) funded project "Aging in the transnational space: (re-)migration processes between Mexico and the United States" (together with Michael Schnegg; research fellow Franziska Bedorf)
2003 - 2007
Project leader of C10 research project "Demographic, social and economic change in a multiethnic region of Central Namibia" under the auspice of the interdisciplinary ACACIA (Arid Climate, Adaption and Cultural Innovation in Africa; SFB 389) project, funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation)
Funding by the Jutta-Vogel-Foundation for the research project "Family histories in Fransfontein, Namibia" (together with Michael Schnegg)
Conference grant from the German Research Foundation for the organization of the international conference "Networks, ethnography and social theory. In memoriam Thomas Schweizer", University of Cologne, 9th-12th July 2000 (together with M. Bollig, H. Lang and M. Schnegg)
Conference Papers
January 2024 “Ordering Social Possibilities. Anthropological perspectives on making kin(ship) through genealogies “. Colloquium of Research Group ‘World Genealogies’. Hamburg Universität. 26.01.2024.
October 2023 “Returned to Sender. Intimate Estrangement and the Politics of Difference in a Migrant Mexican Community”. International Conference ‘Making (a) Difference. Intergenerational Conversations on Intimate Relations and Transformation’. Universität Bayreuth. 25.-28.10.2023
October 2023 “The only thing I ask for is respect! Violence, Loss and (In)Justice in a Transnational Mexican Community”. International Conference ‘Global Justice: Intersectional Approaches’. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg. 16.-18.10. 2023
September 2023 “Housing Dreams and Nightmares. Long-term dynamics of home-making in a transnational Mexican community”. Interdisciplinary Research Workshop ‘Home-coming and Home-making: Conversations between Architecture and Anthropology’. British Academy and Alexander von Humboldt UK-Germany Cooperation Project / Research Group ‘Ageing at a Time of Mobility’ at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen, Germany. 20-21 September 2023
May 2023 “Futuring with children: Making class through reproduction in Namibia“. Panel 46, ECAS University of Cologne.
July 2023 "Sofias Garten. Leben, Tod und Migration in einer mexikanischen Gemeinde". Ringvorlesung "Tot oder lebendig!" des Fachbereichs Kulturwissenschaften der Universität Hamburg.
April 2023 "Verwandtsein. Ethnologische Perspektiven auf soziale Nähe und verwandtschaftliche Vielfalt". Bundesweite Online-Ringvorlesung.
May 2022 “Are we still the same? Sentiments of similarity and feelings of difference in Namibian middle-class weddings”. Workshop “Marriage: Entanglements, Detachments” (organized by Erdmute Alber, Janet Carsten and Koreen Reece). University of Bayreuth and Edinburgh University. Schloss Thurnau, Germany.
November 2021 “Neoliberalizing Namibian Marriages“. Bayreuth Anthropological Colloquium, Bayreuth, Germany.
November 2021 “More or Less Similar: Class-Based Continuities and Ruptures of Kin Relations in Namibian Marriages”. American Anthropological Association Conference, Baltimore. Panel “Kinship in Reverse” (organized by Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg). Digital.
October 2021 “Women Without Men: Female Kinship Beyond Marriage in Mexico and Namibia”. Conference “Diversity in Language and Culture: Kinship” (organized by Svenja Völkel and Nico Nassenstein). Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany.
June 2021 “Das Ende der Migration. Von Traumhäusern zu Ruinen in einer transnationalen mexikanischen Gemeinde“. Ringvorlesung "Ruinen aus der Sicht der Kulturwissenschaften“ (organisiert von J. Otto Habeck und Frank Schmitz). Universität Hamburg. Digital.
January 2021 "Inside and Outside of Marriage in Namibia”. Keynote Lecture Workshop IMAGENU. Gulu University , Uganda, Aarhus University and Copenhagen University, Denmark. Digital.
November 2020 “Before it ends. Ageing, gender and migration in a transnational Mexican community“. Workshop ‘Aspiring in Later Life: Making Selves, Places, Relations Across Locales’, Max Planck Research Group ‘Ageing in a Time of Mobility’ (headed by Megha Amrith), MPI Göttingen, digital format
November 2019 “Never Wife but Always Mother. Women Staying Single in Namibia”. Panel “Opting Out: Women Evading Marriage around the World” (Organizers Joanna Davidson & Dinah Hannaford), American Anthropological Association, Washington
September 2019 "Never enough. Neoliberal intimacies in Namibian middle class marriages". Panel "The (contested) primacy of neoliberal thinking" (Organizers Koreen Reece, Kim Molenaar & Senzokuhle Doreen Setume), European Conference on African Studies (ECAS), Edinburgh
September 2019 "The Decline of Marriage in Namibia". Open Lecture, Center of African Studies, University of Copenhagen. Link
June 2019 “Intimate anxieties. Fears and expectations in Namibian middle class marriages” Panel „Intimate relationships, marriage, and social change in southern Africa“ (Organizers Janina Kehr & Stefan Leins), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (DGSKA), Konstanz
April 2019 „Mehr als eine Klasse. Mittelklassen und Migration in Namibia” Kolloquium des Instituts für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
December 2018 “Die Angst vor dem Ende. Ehe und Scheidung im postkolonialen Namibia“ Öffentliche Ringvorlesung Staat und Familie: Recht, Praxis und Ideale im Vergleich (Organizers Bettina Beer & Martina Caroni), Universität Luzern
June 2018 “Familiennormativität und Feldforschung” Keynote Tagung „Feldforschung und Familie“ (Organizers Braukmann, Haug, Metzmacher, Stolz), Universität zu Köln, Köln
April 2018 “Multiple Zugehörigkeiten. Migration und soziale Klasse in Namibia“ Kolloquium des Instituts für Ethnologie, LMU, München
November 2017 “Class Switching: Migrants’ Multiple Class Belongings in Mexico and Namibia” Panel “Migration and Social Class: Ambiguous Class Identities in Translocal Social Fields” (Organizers Cati Coe & Julia Pauli), American Anthropological Association, Washington
October 2017 „Wann ist man wo verheiratet? Umstrittene Zugehörigkeiten im ländlichen und städtischen Namibia“ Panel „Politische Zugehörigkeit durch Verwandtschaft“ (Organizers Erdmute Alber & Tatjana Thelen), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV), Berlin
November 2016 “Landscapes of Belonging. Building and Dwelling in a transnational Mexican community” Workshop “The Affective Creation of Community: Home-Making Practices between Mexico, Peru and the USA” (Organizer Ingrid Kummels), Lateinamerika-Institut, FU Berlin, 11.11.2016
Abstract (Pdf)
July 2016 “For all the wrong reasons. Marriage and divorce in Namibia“, European Association of Social Anthropologist (EASA) conference, Panel 18 "Rethinking Marriage. Exchange and Emotion in Comparative Perspective“ (Organizers Pauli and van Dijk), Milan, Italy.
Abstract (Pdf)
April 2016 „Where does the middle class belong? Namibian weddings and the contested production of locality”, Workshop ‘Middle Classes in Africa – anthropological and sociological perspectives’. Bayreuth, 27.-29.4.2016
Abstract (Pdf)
February 2015 „Alter(n) in transnationalen mexikanischen Familien" Erste nationale Fachtagung Kindheits- und Familienwissenschaften (HAW Hamburg, 09.-10. Februar 2015)
Link zum Vortrag
November 2014 “Rites of passage into the middle class: social differentiation through changing life-cycle celebrations in Namibia”, Workshop at the International Research Center ‘Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History’: “The Making of Middle Classes: Social Mobility and Boundary Work in Global Perspective”. (Organisatoren C. Lentz, J. Budniok, A. Noll). Berlin, 6.-8.11.2014.
June 2014 "Class Switching: Implications of rural-urban mobility for emerging middle classes in Namibia", Panel 39, VAD Conference, University of Bayreuth, 11.-14.06.2014
Abstract (PDF)
May 2014 "Belonging as a new key concept in anthropological migration research?", Workshop "Sozialwissenschaftliche Theorien in der empirischen Migrationsforschung", Universität Zürich, 30.-31. Mai 2014
July 2013 "Finding, keeping and losing fathers: Reproductive networking in rural Namibia", European Conference on African Studies (ECAS), Panel Hidden dimensions: demographic trends and sexual culture in contemporary Africa. Lisbon, Portugal
Abstract (PDF)
October 2012 "The key to fertility. Generation, reproduction and elite formation in a Namibian community." Fertility and Reproduction Seminars: “Reproduction and Social Differentiation” University of Oxford, 29 October 2012
Abstract (PDF)
July 2012 "From Ultimogenitur to Senior Club. Negotiating certainties and uncertainties of growing older between rural Mexico and urban Chicago" European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Conference, 10.-13.7.12, Paris (mit Franziska Bedorf)
Abstract (PDF)
March 2012 "Familie als Heimat. Familienleben in einer transnationalen mexikanischen Gemeinde" Interdisziplinäre Fachtagung ‚Familie als Kollektiv‘, Universität Passau, 23-24.03.2012
Abstract (PDF)
June 2011 "Creating illegitimacy. Marriage, motherhood and conflicting moralities in rural Namibia" (Panel ‘Christian engagement in times of HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa: religious subjectivities in the field of sexuality and reproduction’ von Bochow & van Dijk) European Conference of African Studies, Uppsala, Schweden, 14.6.2011
Abstract (PDF)
May 2011 “Kinship and cash. Ethnographic reflections on changing gender and generational relations in rural Mexico” Workshop zu ‘Gender, Family and Neoliberalism’ von B. Beer & R. Kunz, Universität Luzern, Schweiz, 30.5.2011
June 2010 „Anwesend in Abwesenheit: Transnationalen Familien zwischen Mexiko und den USA“, Ethnological Colloquium, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Universität Hamburg, 29.6.2010
June 2010 „Familie transnational. Migration, Reproduktion und Generation in einer transnationalen mexikanischen Gemeinde.” Ringvorlesung Lateinamerika. Lateinamerika Zentrum der Universität zu Köln, 8.6.2010
May 2010 „Wann wird eine Schwester eine Schwester, ein Bruder ein Bruder? Neuere Ansätze der Verwandtschaftsethnologie am Beispiel von Geschwisterbeziehungen“. Einführungsvorlesung, Philosophische Fakultät der Universität zu Köln, 5.5.2010
April 2010 “Namibian colonial and postcolonial elites: Creation and consolidation of power in the former Damaraland”. VAD Tagung, 7-10.4.2010 Mainz (Panel ‘African Elite Generations’ A. Behrends)
November 2009 “Siblings’ sharing: Becoming and being sisters in Mexico and Namibia” Tagung “Brother- and Sisterhood from an Anthropological Perspective” (Organisatoren E. Alber und S. van der Geest) Schloss Thurnau / Bayreuth University; 5.-7.11.2009
October 2009 Organisation des Panels ‚Eliten zwischen Aneignung, Anpassung und Abgrenzung’; 30.9.-3.10.09; DGV Tagung Frankfurt a. Main (mit M. Schnegg )
October 2009 „Die weibliche Seite männlicher Patronage: Elitäre Dynamiken und Geschlechterbeziehungen im ehemaligen Damaraland, Namibia“ Panel Pauli und Schnegg; 30.9.2009; DGV Tagung Frankfurt a. Main
October 2007 Organisation des Panels ‚Verwandtschaft heute’; 2.-4.10.07; DGV Tagung Halle, Saale (mit E. Alber, B. Beer und M. Schnegg)
October 2007 „Wahlverwandtschaften: Struktur und Agency in der Verwandtschaftsethnologie“ Panel Alber/Beer/Pauli/Schnegg; 2.-4.10.07; DGV Tagung Halle, Saale (mit M. Schnegg)
September 2007 „Wem glauben? Impfentscheidungen von Eltern zwischen Internet, Verwandten und Kinderarzt” Konferenz ‚Medizin im Kontext. Krankheit und Gesundheit in einer vernetzten Welt’. Berlin, ZMO 28.-29.907 (mit S. Brandner)
July 2007 „The marriage gap: stratification and the transformation of the family in Namibia” AEGIS European Conference on African Studies, Panel Oheneba-Sakyi ‘Representations of the African Family of the 21st century’ 11.-14.7.07, Leiden, Netherlands
June 2007 “Celebrating distinctions: Marriage and class formation in Namibia” Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung. Halle/Saale, 5.6.2007
June 2007 “Kontinuität und Wandel von Heirat in Namibia” Kolloquium des Instituts für Ethnologie der Universität Hamburg, 21.6.2007
November 2006 “Codifying flexibility: Inheritance in a Namibian community” American Anthropological Association 14-19.11.06, San José (mit M. Schnegg)
September 2006 "Kinship as shared experience: on relatedness and social survival in rural Namibia and elsewhere" European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Conference, 18.-21.9.06, Bristol UK
January 2006 “Demographie, Krankheit und Gesundheit in Süd- und Westafrika: Ein Überblick zu Forschungen aus Köln“ Tagung GTZ und SFB 389, Köln
October 2005 Organisation des Panels ‚Umstrittene Ressourcen. Neuere Fallstudien aus Afrika’; 5.-10.10.05; DGV Tagung Halle, Saale (mit M. Bollig und S. Berzborn)
October 2005 “Kein Land zum (Überleben). 100 Jahre Landan- und Enteignungsprozesse im Nordwesten Namibias“. DGV Tagung Halle, Saale; Panel Pauli/Berzborn ‚Umstrittene Ressourcen. Neuere Fallstudien aus Afrika’; 5.-10.10.05 (mit M. Schnegg)
October 2005 „Who shall survive? The struggle for land between the descendants of the colonial regime, nature conservationists, and the native inhabitants of Northwest Namibia.” UNHDP Tagung, Bonn, 12.-15.10.05 (mit M. Schnegg)
October. 2005 „Der Zapatista Effekt. Akteure, Repräsentationen und Netzwerke des Chiapas Konflikts im WWW“ DGV Tagung, Halle, Saale; 5.-10.10.2005 (mit M. Schnegg)
July 2005 „We didn’t grow up together! Relatedness among the Damara/Nama of Fransfontein, Kunene South, Namibia.” Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Sozialanthropologie und Entwicklungssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (ESSA) ‚Familie und Verwandtschaft’ Bayreuth/Thurnau, 7.-9.7.05
June 2005 „Kulturelle Diversität in der Gestaltung demographischer Prozesse. Erkenntnisse aus einer multiethnischen Region Namibias“ Colloquium Africanum, Universität zu Köln, 14.6.2005
April 2005 “Family Origin. A genealogical project to reconstruct local histories.” International conference “A Homecoming of Rockart” organized by Dr. T. Lenssen-Erz (SFB 389/ACACIA); Windhoek, Namibia, 16.-19.4.2005 (mit M. Schnegg, Francois Danids, Otto /Uirab und Jorries Seibeb)
August 2004 “Genealogies, church registers and birth histories: Demography as a key to the history of everyday life.” International conference on ‘1904-2004. Decontaminating the Namibian past’ organized by Prof. Dr. W. Hartmann, University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia (mit M. Schnegg)
November 2002 “Anthropological Demography” Conference on ‘Possibilities and Problems of interdisciplinary research’ organized by Prof. Dr. M. Bierschenk; ZEF (Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung/Center for Development Research), Bonn, Germany
November 2001 “Mapping a conflict in Cyberspace. Chiapas in the World Wide Web.” International conference on ‘The practice of war’ organized by Dr. A. Rao and M. Böck, MA, Cologne, Germany (mit. M. Schnegg)
October 2001 “Neue Häuser in leeren Straßen.Kulturelle Wahrnehmung und soziale Praxis von Modernität in Pueblo Nuevo, Zentralmexiko.“ DGV Tagung, Göttingen, Okt. 7-10
May 2001 “Kummer und Klatsch. Das Leben mexikanischer Frauen im familiären Spannungsfeld“; Frauenringvorlesung; Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Universität zu Köln
July 2000 Organisation der Konferenz ‘Networks, Ethnography and Social Theory. In Memoriam Thomas Schweizer” (gefördert durch die DFG), Universität zu Köln; 9.-12.7.00 (mit M. Bollig und M. Schnegg)
July 2000 “Within or without the family. Network effects on fertility decisions in rural Mexico.” International Konferenz ‘Networks, ethnography and social theory. In memoriam Thomas Schweizer”; 12.7.00; Universität zu Köln (mit M. Schnegg)
February 2000 “Age at first birth in rural Mexico. The vivid cultural change behind an apparent constant.” Forschungskolloquium des Max Planck Institut für Demographische Forschung (Prof. Dr. J. Hoem), Rostock
May 1998 “Causality of correlation? Theoretical dilemmas in anthropological explanation.” Workshop Prof. Dr. Th. Schweizer (Köln) und Prof. Dr. D. White (Univ. California, Irvine); Universität zu Köln
October 1997 “Fertilität im Wandel – Beschreibung des Fertilitätsrückgangs in Pueblo Nuevo, Valle de Solís, Zentralmexiko.“ DGV Tagung, Frankfurt, 10.10.97
February 1996 “Different views on a social structure. A bias and its origin.” 16th International Social Networks Conference at Charleston, USA, Feb. 22-25 (mit M. Schnegg)
February 2011 Heisenberg fellowship of the DFG (German Research Foundation)
November 2001 Offermann-Hergarten award for excellent dissertations
May 2000 Dissertational grant; President of the University of Cologne
Doctoral Students
Viviana Feuerlein (PhD student)
Charlot Schneider (PhD student, scholarship holder)
Can Akin (PhD student)
Dumitrita Lunca (PhD student, scholarship holder)
Maren Jordan (PhD student, scholarship holder)
Larissa Denk (doctorate completed)
Svenja Schöneich (doctorate completed)
Satu Fischer-Kongtso (doctorate completed)