Gender asymmetries and their manifold impacts have been the subject of debate among local communities, scholars, politicians, and international organizations. Empirical descriptions of gender asymmetries have thus far been local (or at best regional) and do not yet build up to a coherent circumpolar synthesis. A major goal of this conference is to consider each particular situation from a global Arctic perspective as well as to seek parallels outside the Arctic. Conference participants will investigate cases of gender asymmetries with diverse historical, environmental, political, social, religious and cultural characteristics. The conference aims to provide an understanding of the complex intersection of such processes in different locations, including the global and local forces influencing them, in order to build a comparative analytical framework.
Registration: to sign up to attend, e-mail to registration"AT"
For more information contact Dr. Vladislava Vladimirova (vladislava.vladimirova"AT"
Admission is free of charge and open to the public.
The conference is organized by the Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Centre for Gender Studies, and Universität Hamburg.
The conference is arranged with financial support from the Swedish Research Council and the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.