Univ.-Prof. Dr. J. Otto Habeck
dienstags, 15:00-17:00 Uhr
Kulturelle Vielfalt verstehen - Ein Podcast zum Studium der Ethnologie in Hamburg - Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Julia Pauli und Prof. Dr. Otto Habeck am 30.10.2018
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
2018 Gastprofessur, Tohoku-Universität in Sendai, Japan (1. April bis 30. Juni)
Seit 2014 Professor am Institut für Ethnologie, Universität Hamburg
2013-2014 Lehrtätigkeit als Privatdozent an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
2003-2014 Koordinator des Sibirienzentrums am Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung
Sommer 2008 Gastdozent an der Stradina-Universität Riga
Sommer 2006 Gastdozent an der Universität Warschau
1998-2002 Forschungsassistent für Tim Ingold, Universität Aberdeen (EU-geförderte Projekte TUNDRA und SPICE)
1997-2004 Promotionsstudium am Scott Polar Research Institute, Universität Cambridge (wissenschaftlicher Betreuer: Piers Vitebsky, finanzielle Unterstützung der Daimler-Benz-Stiftung)
1993-1997 Studium der Mongolistik an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin (bis zur Zwischenprüfung)
1988-1996 Studium der Geographie, Ethnologie und Geschichte an der Freien Universität Berlin
- Lebensstile, Distinktion, Exklusion
- Räumliche Barrieren
- Peripherie und Devianz
- Genderrollen und Beziehungen, u.a. in indigenen Gemeinschaften
- Landnutzung in Nordasien unter den Bedingungen des globalen Wandels
- Sibirien, Mongolei, zirkumpolare Gebiete, postsozialistische Staaten
Current Projects |
Started in August 2020 "CHARTER" (Drivers and Feedbacks of Changes in Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity), funded by the European Commission under Horizon-2020. Principal investigator: Bruce C. Forbes (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi). J. Otto Habeck coordinates Work Package 3, "Socio-economic impacts of Arctic environmental changes on indigenous populations and local communities" with a specific focus on reindeer herding. | |
Started 2015 "Gender in the Arctic" Research Network Link Left: |
Since 2014 "Angst in the City" (Urban spaces in Novosibirsk and Yakutsk) J. O. Habeck and G. Belolyubskaya co-authored a paper on "Fences, private and public places, and traversability in a Siberian city" (Yakutsk), published in Cities. Read the editorial on "Angst in the City", co-authored with Ph. Schröder, in Ethnoscripts, vol. 16, issue 1. Left: |
Completed research projects |
Habeck, Joachim Otto 2019 (ed.). Lifestyle in Siberia and the Russian North. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. Free PDF Download. |
2016-2018 "Transnational Practices in the Polish-German border region", co-organized with A. Halemba (Warsaw). Supported by the Polish-German Science Foundation Link Right: |
2014-2019 "Permafrost and Culture" Action Group of the International Permafrost Association Right: Noémie Ross presents a cartoon that summarizes the insights of the below article on reindeer herding in the Northern Urals. © Noémie Ross Link K. Istomin and J. O. Habeck have published an article in Polar Science on the interconnections of indigenous land use and permafrost landscapes in the tundra areas of northwest Russia. Link |
2008-2014 Conditions and Limitations of Lifestyle Plurality in Siberia (Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology) Publications forthcoming. |
2008-2012 New Technologies in the Tundra: High-Tech Equipment, perception of Space and Spatial Orientation of Nomadic and Settled Populations of the Russian Arctic (project conducted with Günther Schlee and Kirill Istomin in the framework of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre 586 "Difference and Integration") A short description is available on the webpage of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Difference and Integration". |
2006-2011 Social significance of the House of Culture (Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology) Two books have ensued from this research: J. O. Habeck, Das Kulturhaus in Russland (published by transcript in 2014) B. Donahoe & J. O. Habeck (eds), Reconstructing the House of Culture (published by Berghahn in 2011) Table of content and introduction of the above volume can be accessed via ResearchGate. Right: |
Laptander, Roza, Tim Horstkotte, Joachim Otto Habeck, Sirpa, Rasmus, Teresa Komu, Heidrun Matthes, Hans Tømmervik, Kirill Istomin, Jussi T. Eronen & Bruce C. Forbes 2023. "Critical seasonal conditions in the reindeer-herding year: A synopsis of factors and events in Fennoscandia and northwestern Russia". Polar Science, 101016. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polar.2023.101016
Rasmus, Sirpa, Johanna Yletyinen, Simo Sarkki, Mia Landauer, Maria Tuomi, Marit K. Arneberg, Jarle W. Bjerke, Dorothee Ehrich, Joachim Otto Habeck, Tim Horstkotte, Sonja Kivinen, Teresa Komu, Timo Kumpula, Leena Leppänen, Heidrun Matthes, Christian Rixen, Sari Stark, Ningning Sun, Hans Tømmervik, Bruce C. Forbes & Jussi T. Eronen 2024. "Policy documents considering biodiversity, land use, and climate in the European Arctic reveal visible, hidden, and imagined nexus approaches". One Earth, 3 January 2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oneear.2023.12.010
Rasmus, Sirpa, Roza Laptander, Joachim Otto Habeck, Tim Horstkotte, Kirill Istomin, Teresa Komu, Heidrun Matthes, Simo Sarkki, Hans Tømmervik, Irina Wang, Bruce C. Forbes & Jussi T. Eronen (SUBMITTED). "Rethinking adaptation of traditional livelihoods in a rapidly changing Arctic". Submitted to Nature Sustainability (Analysis).
Habeck, Joachim Otto 2020. "Private-in-the-collective: comparing the history and legacy of sovkhoism in Poland and Germany". REGION: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, 9 (1): 117-138.
Beloliubskaia, Galina & Joachim Otto Habeck [Khabek] 2020. "Zhilishchnaia mobil'nost', lichnoe prostranstvo i osobennosti gorodskogo razvitiia Yakutska" [Housing mobility, personal space, and peculiarities of the development of Yakutsk]. In: Shabaev, Yurii et al. (red.): Antropologiia goroda, vol. 2: Severnyi gorod: kul'turnoe prostranstvo i kul'turnye identichnosti v arkticheskikh i subarkticheskikh gorodakh, pp. 151-173. Moskva: RGGU; Syktyvkar: Institut yazyka, literatury i istorii Komi Nauchnogo Tsentra.
Habeck, Joachim Otto 2021. "Im Souterrain: das Seminar für Völkerkunde der Universität Hamburg in den 1970er Jahren" [In the basement: the institute of ethnology at the University of Hamburg in the 1970s]. In: Nicolaysen, Rainer, Eckart Krause und Gunnar B. Zimmermann (eds): 100 Jahre Universität Hamburg: Studien zur Hamburger Universitäts- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte in vier Bänden, vol. 3. Göttingen: Wallstein.
Habeck, Joachim Otto 2022. "Ulla Johansen (1927-2021)". Nachruf [Obituary]. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie: Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology, 147 (1-2): 211-214.
Habeck, Joachim Otto & Agnieszka Halemba 2022. "Direkte Nachbarschaft in der Grenzregion: Erwartungen und Herausforderungen". In: Dahl, Martin, Magdalena Lemańczyk, Peter Oliver Loew & Agnieszka Łada-Konefał (eds): Von der Versöhnung zur Alltäglichkeit? 30 Jahre deutsch-polnische Nachbarschaft, pp. 99-112. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Habeck, Joachim Otto & Agnieszka Halemba 2022. "Bezpośrednie sąsiedztwo w regionie przygranicznym: oczekiwania i wyzwania" [Immediate neighbourhood in the border region: expectations and challenges]. In: Dahl, Martin, Magdalena Lemańczyk, Peter Oliver Loew & Agnieszka Łada-Konefał (eds): Od pojednania do codzienności? 30 lat polsko-niemieckiego sąsiedztwa. Warszawa: Instytut Studiów Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
Istomin, Kirill, Joachim Otto Habeck & Roza Laptander 2022. "Reindeer Herding Statistics in Russia: issues of reliability, interpretation, and political effect". Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice, 12(1): 19. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13570-022-00233-9
Habeck, Joachim Otto & Frank Schmitz (eds) 2023. Ruinen und vergessene Orte: Materialität im Verfall – Nachnutzungen – Umdeutungen [Ruins and lost places: materiality in decay – after-use – re-interpretations]. Bielefeld: transcript.
Vollständige Publikationsliste
2020 "Future prospects of post-industrial towns". Presentation for students at the University of Petroșani, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Petroșani (10 March)
2019 Halemba, Agnieszka, J. Otto Habeck & Isabel Cellati: "Życie na granicy - transnarodowe praktyki mieszkańców polsko-niemieckiego pogranicza" [Life at the border: transnational practices of inhabitants of the Polish-German border region]. Workshop of perspektywa, "Vom Grenzraum zum Begegnungsraum. Engagement und Bürgerbeteiligung auf dem Dorf" [From a border space towards a meeting space: social commitment and citizens’ participation in the countryside], Groß Pinnow (29 November)
2019 "Aufs Rentier gekommen: Rentierhaltung im Hohen Norden Russlands in sowjetischer und heutiger Zeit" [Reindeer herding in the Far North of Russia in Soviet times and at present]. Interessengemeinschaft Tunneltal, Public Library of Ahrensburg (10 October)
2019 "Recollecting 'sustainable development' in research and regional politics of northern Russia". Biannual Conference of the German Anthropological Association (DGSKA-Tagung), Konstanz (30 September)
2019 "Engagement with land use conflicts in the North of Russia: lessons from Anthropology". Inter-Congress of IUAES (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences) on “World Solidarities”, Poznań, (28 September)
2019 Dudeck, Stephan & J. Otto Habeck: “Gender in Arctic Communities”. Presentation at the workshop “Gateway to the Arctic Workshop VI. Perceiving Arctic Change: Climate, Society and Sustainability”, Bremerhaven (27. März)
2019 Habeck, J. Otto & Mathias Ulrich: “Permafrost and pastoral land use: environmental and social-economic dynamics under conditions of past and current climate change”. Arctic Science Summit Week, Arkhangelsk (22 March)
2018 Habeck, J. Otto & Joseph Long: “Travel Biography Interviews and Photo Elicitation as Methods for Studying Lifestyle in Russia”. Presentation at the workshop “Translocal Ethnographies of Mobilities and Boundaries”, Humboldt-Universität Berlin (7. Dezember)
2018 “Plurality of research methods: empirical studies on urban youth and social change and below”. Presentation at the workshop “Overcoming the distance – urban pioneers in Eastern Europe”, ZOIS (Centre for East European International Studies) Berlin (23. Oktober)
2018 “Land improvement under conditions of permafrost: melioratsiia and intended forms of environmental change in Soviet Yakutia”. Presentation at Mie University, Tsu, Japan (17. Juni)
2017 Habeck, J. Otto & Mathias Ulrich: “How to Study an Exemplary Social-Ecological System: Pastoralism in a Permafrost Landscape”. Arctic Science Summit Week, Prague (4. April)
2017 Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv, May-Britt Öhman, Brenda Parlee, Olga Ulturgasheva, J. Otto Habeck & Virginie Vaté: "Roundtable: Gender, Gender Studies, and gendered science in the Far North and the Arctic", Ninth International Conference on Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS IX), Umeå (9. Juni)
2017 Agnieszka Halemba & J. Otto Habeck: " Life at the border: insights from a Polish-German anthropological field research co-laboratory", Ethnologisches Kolloquium, Hamburg (18. April)
2017 "Nomadenlager und Eigentumswohnung: Veränderungen der Umweltwahrnehmung beim Übergang von mobilen zu festen Wohnformen" [Nomadic camp and individually owned flat: changes in the perception of the environment in the transition from mobile to sedentary forms of dwelling], Archäologisches Museum Hamburg (9. März)
2017 "Remoteness as an asset", International Conference on "Gender Shifts and Resource Politics in the Arctic", Uppsala (21.-23. Februar)
2016 Agnieszka Halemba & J. Otto Habeck: "New Directions in the Polish-German borderland – Towards a Pomeranian or Some Different Identification?", First Tomsk Forum on Anthropology (Antropologiia v poiskakh novogo yazyka opisaniia), Tomsk (15. September)
2016 Keynote Speech, “Livelihoods on Frozen Ground: Why Permafrost Matters to Indigenous Communities in Siberia and Elsewhere”, XI International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP), Potsdam (24. Juni)
2016 Presentation, Young Researchers’ Workshop at the XI International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP), Potsdam (18. Juni)
2016 "Feldforschung in Sibirien (Jakutsk) 2015: Forschungsergebnisse und Eindrücke aus dem heutigen Russland" [Fied research in Siberia, Yakutsk 2015: research results and impressions from contemporary Russia]". Vortrag für den Verein der Freunde des Museums für Völkerkunde Hamburg (27. April)
2016 Presentation at the Symposium "Do we speak the same language of science?", Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW), Fairbanks, Alaska (13. März)
2016 "The Anthropology of Waiting: A Siberian perspective". Internationale Tagung "Infrastructure in the Arctic (and Elsewhere) as a Social and Ecological Challenge", Wien (15.-16. Januar)
2015 "Wohnkultur in Sibirien: Mobilität – Territorialität – Abgrenzung" [Cultivating homes in Siberia: mobility – territoriality – distinction]. Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Berlin (7. Dezember)
2015 J. Otto Habeck & Galina Belolyubskaya: "Fences and private/public spaces in a Siberian city". Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde, Marburg (Germany) (2. Oktober)
2015 "Zwischen Eiswüste und Gemüsegarten: Rentierhirten im Hohen Norden Russlands" [Between ice desert and vegetable plot: reindeer herders in the Far North of Russia]. Evangelische Studentengemeinde, Rostock (13. Mai)
2015 Kirill Istomin & J. Otto Habeck: "Permafrost and indigenous land use in the Northern Urals: Komi and Nenets reindeer husbandry". Poster presentation, Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW), Toyama (28.-29. April)
2014 “Hangover: eine kulturvergleichende Betrachtung des Umgangs mit den Folgen exzessiven Alkoholkonsums” [Hangover: a cross-cultural perspective on how to tackle the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption]. Jüdisches Krankenhaus Berlin (25. September)
2014 “Make Love Fake War: playgrounds for adults in post-Soviet space“. Survival Kit 6 – Symposium: “Urban Utopia: art and culture as a tool for exploring and researching a city”, Riga (13. September)
2014 “The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Herdsman: mobility, management and herding techniques in Russian reindeer husbandry since the 1920s”. Internationale Tagung “On the Road: bioarchaeological and cultural scientific aspects of non-sedentary communities”, Berlin (16. Mai)
2014 “Lifestyle in Siberia: how social theory of Western Europe plays out in post-Soviet Asia”. Invited lecture, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Durham (30. Januar
Tagungen und Workshops
2020 Organisation des Workshops "Gender in Polar Research: gendered fieldwork conditions, epistemologies and legacies". Online workshop at the Arctic Science Summit Week 2020, Akureyri, 30 March (mit Gertrude Saxinger, Stephan Dudeck und Katariina Kyrölä).
2019 Organisation des Workshops “Permafrost and pastoral land use in Mongolia: environmental and social-economic dynamics under conditions of past and current climate change”, Ulaanbaatar, 20-24 March 2019 (mit A. Dashtseren)
2019 “De//kolonisiert? Indigenität, Subjektivität, Souveränität”, Hamburg, 8-10 February 2019 (mit Andreas Womelsdorf und Gertrude Saxinger)
2018 “Queering Indigeneity: Indigenous Queer Intersections in the Arctic”, Oulu, 6 September 2018, workshop as side meeting of the UArctic Congress (mit Gertrude Saxinger, Rauna Kuokkanen und Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv)
2017 Organisation des Workshops " Permafrost dynamics and indigenous land use in the Northern Urals: Combining insights of local land users, environmental and social scientists", Vorkuta, 24.-27. September (mit Kirill Istomin, Vladimir Yelsakov und Mathias Ulrich)
2017 Organisation der Tagung "Gender Shifts and Resource Politics in the Arctic", Uppsala, 21.-23. Februar (mit Vladislava Vladimirova und Yulian Konstantinov)
2016 Organisation des Workshops "Gender Asymmetry in Northern Communities (Perspectives from the Margins)", Küstrinchen bei Lychen, 25.-28. Januar (mit Stephan Dudeck)
2015 Organisation des Workshops "Yakutsk PaC 2015" – Field Workshop der Arbeitsgruppe "Permafrost and Culture" der IPA (International Permafrost Association), Jakutsk, 20.-24. Juli (mit Roman Desyatkin, Aleksandr Fedorov und Mathias Ulrich)
2014 Organisation des Workshops "Permafrost Dynamics and Indigenous Land Use", Helsinki, 6.-7. April (mit Hiroki Takakura)
2012 Organisation der Tagung "Deutsch-Russische Begegnungen 2012: Vom Sammeln zum Systematisieren" (Aufbau von Klassifizierungs- und Taxonomiesystemen für verschiedene Wissenschaftszweige in Russland im 18. Jahrhundert). Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle, 17.-21. Oktober (mit Wieland Hintzsche, Halle, und anderen)