Dr. Julian Jasper Sommerschuh
Foto: Julian Sommerschuh
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
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MA-Beratung & ERASMUS-Beratung
(Elternzeitvertretung für Lena Borlinghaus-ter Veer)
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
Seit 04/2023 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Ethnologie, Universität Hamburg
01/2022-03/2023 Principle Investigator am Global South Studies Center, Universität zu Köln
08/2019-03/2023 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Praktische Philosophie und Lehrbeauftragter am Institut für Ethnologie, Universität zu Köln
10/2015-07/2019 Promotion in Sozialanthropologie, Cambridge University
06/2018 Gastwissenschaftler am Frobenius-Institut für Kulturanthropologische Forschung, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
07/2016-09/2017 Feldforschung in Äthiopien
10/2014-9/2015 Feldforschung in Äthiopien
10/2013-09/2014 MPhil in Sozialanthropologie, Cambridge University
10/2009-09/2012 BA in Europäischer Ethnologie und Sozialwissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Ost-Afrika (Äthiopien, Kenia)
Sommerschuh, J. 2023. Becoming Amhara: ethnic identity change as a quest for respect in Aari, Ethiopia, Journal of Eastern African Studies, 16:3, 455-471. Link
Sommerschuh, J. & J. Robbins. 2023. Values. In James Laidlaw (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook for the Anthropology of Ethics (Cambridge Handbooks in Anthropology, pp. 485-507). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link
Sommerschuh, J. 2022. Answering the Protestant Challenge: Orthodox Christianity as Counterreformation in Southern Ethiopia. Northeast African Studies 22(2): 69-89. Link
Sommerschuh, J. 2022. The Grace in Hierarchy: Seniors, God, and the Sources of Life in Southern Ethiopia. Cambridge Journal of Anthropology 40(1). Link
Sommerschuh, J. 2022. Speaking Humbly: Speech, Values and Change in Protestant Southern Ethiopia. In Dynamis of Speaking and Doing Religion, Baktygül Tulebaeva and Deepak Kumar Ojha, eds. Tübingen University Press. Link
Sommerschuh, J. 2022. Invited commentary on: Pohran, Nadya. Belief-inclusive research: Does strategically 'bracketing out' a researcher's (religious) beliefs and doubts limit access to ethnographic data? Current Anthropology 63(6). Link
Sommerschuh, J. 2021. Respectable Conviviality: Solving Value Conflicts through Orthodox Christianity in Southern Ethioipa. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 27(4). Link
Sommerschuh, J. 2021. Questioning Growth: Christianity, Development, and the Perils of Wealth in Southern Ethiopia. Journal of Religion in Africa. Link
Sommerschuh, J. 2020. From Feasting to Accumulation: Modes of Value Realisation and Radical Cultural Change in Southern Ethiopia. Ethnos. Link
Sommerschuh, J. 2020. Legal pluralism and Protestant Christianity: From fine to forgiveness in an Aari community. In Legal pluralism in Ethiopia: Actors, challenges and solutions. Susanne Epple and Getachew Assefa, eds. Pp. 213–34. Culture and social practice: transcript-Verlag. Link
Sommerschuh, J. 2019. Whatever Happened to Respect? Values and Change in a Southwest Ethiopian (Aari) Community. Doctoral Thesis, University of Cambridge, Cambridge. Link
Robbins, J. & J. Sommerschuh. 2016. Values. In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology F. Stein, S.Lazar, M. Candea, H. Diemberger, J. Robbins, A. Sanchez & R. Stasch, eds. Link